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Acupuncture on Dogs and CBD

acupuncture on dogs and cbd

The ultimate aim of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, or TCM, is to cure diseases while preserving the quality of life. Acupuncture on dogs is part of TCM and has been shown to improve general well-being, boost appetite, reduce nausea symptoms, and decrease pain levels. For decades, TCM has mixed hemp and acupuncture. Both modalities improve the capacity of the endocannabinoid system to carry the body back to balance.

According to the NIH Consensus Conference, acupuncture is described by a variety of techniques as “a family of procedures involving stimulation of anatomical locations on the skin.” The most studied mechanism of acupuncture point stimulation uses small, strong, metallic needles to penetrate the skin, which is stimulated manually or by electrical stimulation. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is currently the most popular theoretical paradigm that governs the clinical practice of acupuncture in the U.S., in which clinical decisions are mostly focused on the particular clinical trends that correspond to the theory of TCM. 

Acupuncture on Dogs

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s based on the idea that energy flows through our bodies in pathways called meridians, and that certain points along these meridians can be stimulated to help relieve pain or treat health issues.

If you’ve ever seen someone get acupuncture, you may have noticed small needles being inserted into the body at these points. These needles are typically thin and made of stainless steel or glass; they’re only slightly thicker than a hair. The needles connect to thin wires called filiform, which are attached to an electrical device that sends out low levels of electricity to stimulate the body’s natural healing response.

A dog’s anatomy is very similar to ours—they have a spine, muscles, and organs just like we do! So it makes sense that acupuncture would work similarly in both species. In fact, there are studies out there showing that dogs also respond positively to acupuncture treatment for things like anxiety and arthritis pain relief (among other things).

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), acupuncture stimulates pressure points throughout the body that release endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. The AVMA also says that acupuncture can help decrease swelling and inflammation, improve blood circulation and reduce stress hormone levels.

Acupuncture for Pain in Dogs

There are many different types of pain that your dog may experience. Some of these pains may be caused by injury or illness. Others may be caused by old age or a degenerative disease process such as arthritis. Whatever the cause of your dog’s pain, acupuncture can help relieve their suffering.

Acupuncture works by stimulating the nerves in your dog’s body causing them to release endorphins into their system which act as natural painkillers. Your vet can recommend specific points on your dog’s body that need to be stimulated as well as how frequently they should be treated with needles during each session. It is important not to overstimulate these points though or else they could become irritated and inflamed instead of helping to reduce inflammation which is what we want!

Acupuncture for Inflammation

Acupuncture can be used for arthritis and inflammation in dogs. It works by stimulating specific points in the body that help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture also has an overall calming effect on dogs, which can help with any anxiety that they may have from being in pain or discomfort.

Acupuncture is one of the best ways to treat arthritis in dogs because it helps them to reduce their pain levels while also helping them feel more relaxed and calm. The result is that they feel less stressed out and more comfortable moving around their environment without feeling any pain or discomfort.

CBD and Acupuncture

Analysis reveals that both CBD and acupuncture produce a chemical known as adenosine. Acupuncture induces adenosine release, enhancing the ability of the body to withstand pain. Adenosine helps combat inflammation and pain when CBD is placed in place. They offer the endocannabinoid system a boost to battle cancer, mental illness, strokes, spasms, and mental ailments when used in combination.

By using points (known as meridians) and needles to crack any blockages, acupuncture often activates the nervous system. In order to stabilize the body, this increases the production of endocannabinoids. The body is also brought back to homeostasis by CBD oil; both function at the cellular level.

Dosing CBD Hemp

Dosing CBD has very little to do with the size or weight of your dog, despite common myths. It depends on your particular dog, their specific ailment, and how sensitive their endocannabinoid system is to find the correct dose. Lift the lip and apply a dose directly to the gums for the quickest and most thorough absorption, as the most direct path into the bloodstream. The medication may not be as successful if applied to food and can take slightly longer (30-45 minutes) to enter the bloodstream as it passes through the gastrointestinal system.

A trial and error approach is recommended during the first few weeks, as you monitor the response of your animal and decide the appropriate dosage. In considering full-spectrum hemp extract for your dog, the old saying “start low and go slow” is highly applicable.

Acupuncture on Dogs in Combination

The pet is seen as a “whole” through holistic pet treatment, including CBD and Acupuncture. TCM and CBD together have the highest therapeutic advantage for pets. Using two natural modalities to encourage the endocannabinoid system will get the body back to balance quicker, thereby enhancing the overall health of your dog more effectively.

Read More:

Effect of acupuncture on pain and quality of life in canine neurological and musculoskeletal diseases – PMC

Spotlight on acupuncture in laboratory animal medicine – PMC

Review article The endocannabinoid system, a novel and key participant in acupuncture’s multiple beneficial effects




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