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Choosing CBD for Dogs: Make the Best Choice

choosing cbd for dogs

With all the different brands out there, choosing cbd for dogs can feel overwhelming. CBD is the second most common compound in the cannabis plant, after THC, after Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD, a non-addictive alternative to medications, has gained in popularity in recent years. Numerous studies have shown that CBD is effective in treating a wide range of ailments, including chronic pain, anxiety, seizures, and inflammation in pets. It has also been shown to help fight cancer, autoimmune illness, and neurological diseases.

It’s unfortunate that not all CBD for dogs is created equal, and the sector is mainly unregulated. As a result, we stress the significance of doing your homework before making a purchase.

What Does Full-Spectrum Mean?

A full-spectrum extract is one that retains all of the plant’s naturally occurring, bioactive components. However, a full-spectrum product signifies that all of the cannabinoids were not intentionally removed during the production process, which is impossible to achieve with every single plant. Synergistic chemicals lose their properties and the risk of adverse effects increases when they are subjected to extra processing.

The fact that cannabinoids and terpenes all work together to enhance one another is one of the most crucial reasons full-spectrum is so vital. When cannabinoids from several strains mix, the Entourage Effect is created, allowing for the most potent effects conceivable.

Choosing CBD for Dogs Utilizing a Certificate of Analysis

The certificate of analysis (COA) for a CBD product shows you exactly what is in the product you are purchasing for your dog and is a document with laboratory results. In this document, you’ll find the precise concentrations of CBD and THC in the product. A full-spectrum CBD product can be identified in this manner.

A third-party lab should always produce a Certificate of Analysis (COA). This indicates a business separate from the producer of the CBD product. Check the document’s logo and contact information to see if it belongs to a third party. You can also get in touch with the laboratory to double-check the COA results for your product.

Can CBD Help my Dog?

A growing body of evidence suggests that CBD can benefit animals, in addition to humans, as well as its numerous purported health benefits. Full Spectrum Hemp Extract may be able to assist your pet to manage pain and reducing seizure frequency through the use of CBD and the other cannabinoids found in the plant. You should consider using CBD if your pet is afflicted by any of the ailments listed above or any other ailment that causes your dog pain or discomfort.

CBD for Arthritis

CBD is extremely helpful at reducing arthritis and joint discomfort, pain, and inflammation. This is one of the most extensively explored aspects of cannabis treatment for pets. CBD, as well as other components contained in a full spectrum hemp extract including THC, CBC, CBG, and THCV, have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.

The discomfort that our dogs experience in most cases of arthritis is caused by inflammation in their joints. We can address the origin of the problem while also preventing the pain by reducing inflammation. In research on dogs with osteoarthritis, Cornell University discovered that giving them 2 mg/kg of CBD twice a day helped them feel more comfortable and active. Dogs with osteoarthritis that were given consistent dosages of full-spectrum hemp extract improved significantly, according to a Baylor College of Medicine study.

NSAIDs are frequently prescribed by traditional veterinarians, however, they can cause joint and soft tissue damage. They can harm your dog’s liver and kidneys as well. CBD is a harmless anti-inflammatory solution that doesn’t have the side effects that medications have.

CBD for Seizures

CBD has been used to treat seizures in humans for years, with tremendous effectiveness in both animals and humans. CBD was patented as a neuroprotectant by the US government in 2003.

A new study looked at the influence of CBD on seizure frequency in 16 dogs over a short period of time. The frequency of seizures was reduced in 89 percent of dogs who took CBD in the clinical experiment, according to the researchers. There was also a link between the degree of seizure reduction and the level of CBD in the bloodstream.

Most veterinarians administer antiepileptic drugs like phenobarbital to treat epilepsy and seizures. One of the most serious side effects of phenobarbital is stress and liver damage, in addition to drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and neurotoxicity in young animals.

CBD for Dog Cancer

CBD can help with cancer in a variety of ways. It’s not only a good way to combat cancer, but it can also aid with quality-of-life issues. CBD and the other cannabinoids in a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract contain anti-nausea, pain-relieving, and immunomodulatory characteristics in addition to direct anti-cancer properties.

The first CBD with cancer study in dogs was published in 2020. CBD was discovered to help cause apoptosis (natural cell death) and autophagy, as well as inhibit cancer cells from spreading (the clearing out of damaged cell parts).

According to research, CBD can:

CBD for Anxiety

CBD is an excellent anxiety treatment that has been used to treat anxiety and sadness in people. CBD has been shown in clinical studies to aid in the eradication of traumatic memories. CBD can also behave like serotonin by attaching to and activating serotonin receptors in the body. These serotonin receptors, also known as the “happy” hormone, are responsible for emotional equilibrium.

CBD can help people and animals manage negative emotions associated with triggers like thunderstorms or fireworks, as well as PTSD and anxiety or panic disorders, according to a 2013 study published in Neuropharmacology. CBD also has a soothing impact on the central nervous system, according to a 2019 study published in The Permanente Journal, and is more tolerated than conventional psychiatric drugs.

Although some veterinarians advocate giving your dog children’s Benadryl, keep in mind that this medication is not intended for animals and can have negative side effects. Benadryl, for example, can place pressure on a dog’s liver and kidneys, especially if those organs are already compromised.

CBD for Cushing’s Disease

Full-Spectrum CBD can benefit dogs with Cushing’s Disease by restoring physiological equilibrium by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. Hormonal imbalances, such as cortisol imbalances from the adrenal or pituitary glands, fall within this category. CBD can also slow the growth of tumors that cause Cushing’s syndrome by limiting the creation of blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients.

Surgery to remove the tumor is the standard treatment for dogs with Cushing’s Disease. Hormone-regulating medicines may also be prescribed by veterinarians. However, surgery, especially in older dogs, can be intrusive and hazardous, and prescribed drugs might have significant negative effects.

CBD for Allergies

CBD is an excellent choice for dogs with allergies because it decreases inflammation, modifies the immune system, and supports the gut, which houses 70% to 80% of the immune system. CBD, according to a recent study, blocks the release of pro-inflammatory molecules, which are responsible for allergy symptoms.

For dogs with allergies, traditional veterinarians frequently give Apoquel or Benadryl. The immune system of your pet is suppressed by these drugs, which mask the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Unfortunately, the longer your pet is on immunosuppressive medication, the more likely they are to develop major side effects and health problems. CBD, rather than shutting down immune responses like medications like Benadryl and Apoquel do, enhances communication between immune cells. This promotes a more controlled and focused reaction to allergy symptoms.

CBD for Skin Issues

Topical CBD is a fantastic alternative for dogs suffering from skin diseases like dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies, infections, or even tumors, lumps, and other unpleasant growths. A significant study conducted by scientists at the University of Pisa in Italy found that the two primary cannabinoid receptors are abundant across the layers of dogs’ skin. Compounds like CBD are able to stimulate the skin’s local endocannabinoid system pathways as a result of this.

CBD stimulates healthy cell proliferation, inhibits malignant cell growth, and prevents tumor vascular development. Topical CBD salves are excellent for relieving skin irritation caused by allergies, as well as easing inflammation and redness. CBD also helps to calm the immune system’s reaction to allergens.

Read more:

Frontiers | Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs | Veterinary Science

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Animals – Pharmacology – Merck Veterinary Manual

CBD clinical trial results on seizure frequency in dogs ‘encouraging’ — ScienceDaily

The effect of cannabidiol on canine neoplastic cell proliferation and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation during autophagy and apoptosis

Cannabidiol induces programmed cell death in breast cancer cells by coordinating the cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy

Effect of time of cisplatin administration on its toxicity and pharmacokinetics in dogs

Pancreatitis in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital


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