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Finding the Best CBD for Dog Aggression

best cbd oil for aggressive dogs

Researchers and dog lovers are starting to see differences in their dogs labeled as aggressive when they offer them full-spectrum CBD oil. Although we can’t yet say for sure, there’s definitely a belief that CBD oil can help dogs with aggressive tendencies. Due to CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system, our dogs are able to stay calmer and basically think more clearly than they were before.

Reasons for Aggression in Dogs

Before we lunge into how CBD oil can help, let’s take a few minutes to talk about why dogs can become aggressive. Aggressive behavior can be defined as any action on the part of your dog that causes harm to another person or animal. This includes growling, barking, snapping teeth, lunging forward, and biting.

Not All Aggression is Bad

A dog’s aggression can result from many things. Fear, prey drive, and territoriality are just a few. It’s important to note that not all aggression is bad, though. For instance, it’s normal for a dog to be protective of its food bowl or toys. The kind of aggression that we’re going to focus on here is the kind that makes your dog fearful of other dogs or people.

Aggression Due to Pain or Fear

Dogs can be aggressive out of fear or pain. If your dog has been bitten by another animal or person before, he may be wary of others and show signs of fear-based aggression. Dogs will also show signs of fear-based aggression if they feel like they’re being threatened while in their home territory. This may be due to a lack of obedience training or simply feeling as though their turf has been invaded by another animal or human being who isn’t welcome there—especially if you have multiple pets at home.

Territorial Aggression in Dogs

Some dogs exhibit territoriality in the same way humans do: when someone comes into our personal space without permission or respect for our boundaries, we tend to get defensive about it. Dogs are no different; if someone invades their territory without consent, they could get upset.

CBD Oil for Aggressive Dogs

CBD as a treatment for dog aggression is a great example of how nature can offer healing solutions that are different from man-made drugs. CBD oil, in particular, might help manage aggression in dogs.

A Safe, Natural Option for Dogs with Aggression

This CBD oil comes from hemp plants, which are different from marijuana plants. Hemp contains a substance called cannabidiol, or CBD, which is one of the many compounds found in cannabis plants. But unlike THC, another compound in cannabis, CBD doesn’t make anyone or any pet feel ‘high’ or have any mind-altering effects.

This makes it a safe option for pets, and it can even be used alongside other medications and supplements to address various health issues in dogs (with your vet’s permission).

Learning: How Is CBD Extracted?

Working With the Body’s Natural Systems

Using CBD for a dog’s aggression involves understanding how it interacts with the body’s natural systems. CBD works by influencing the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating mood, behavior, and stress responses. By interacting with this system, CBD oil may help to calm aggressive behavior in dogs, making them more relaxed and less likely to act out.

It’s Still Important to Talk to Your Vet

It’s important to remember that while CBD can be beneficial, it’s not a cure-all and should be used as part of a broader approach to managing a dog’s aggression. This might include behavior training, environmental changes, and working with a veterinarian or a dog behaviorist. Always consult with a vet before starting any new treatment, including CBD oil, to ensure it’s appropriate for your dog’s specific needs and to determine the correct dosage.

The Best CBD for Aggressive Dogs

We personally won’t endorse any product other than CBD Dog Health. We, and our clients, have tried tons of different products. And the best product so far is definitely from this company. They offer three different strengths, and each strength is combined with a little something extra. The HEAL tincture, for example, also contains frankincense for additional healing properties. Click on the pic below if you want to check out their current products.

When to Get Professional Help

It is important to seek help if your dog’s aggression is excessive or dangerous. This is especially true if you are concerned about the safety of others, especially small children. If you have any concerns about your pet’s health and well-being, it is time to seek help from a certified animal behaviorist in order to make the best choice for both of you.

Get Started Using CBD for Dogs

CBD is a promising treatment option for canine aggression, but you should always consult your veterinarian before trying it. There are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to administering CBD to a pet, including the type of CBD you’re giving them and how much of it.

Read more:

Fear vs Aggression | VCA Animal Hospital.

Aggression in dogs | Animal Humane Society

Reactive Dog vs. Aggressive Dog

Treating Aggression in Dogs: Causes, Types, And Solutions


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