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Dog Ear Infections and CBD

cbd for dogs ear infections

For centuries, Cannabis sativa has been used for medicinal purposes. Our society has only recently recognized the enormous benefits of cannabis, and as a result, ongoing research efforts are being undertaken to better understand the processes behind it. Scientists have made many impressive findings, but they have just scratched the surface of what this plant is capable of.

Ear Infection in Dogs Symptoms

Ear infections can cause a range of symptoms in dogs. The main symptoms include:

These aren’t the only signs of a dog’s ear infection, but they are the most prominent. The most common symptoms may be followed by pain. That is why it is normal to see your dog tilting her head to one side or shaking her head excessively.

It’s likely that you won’t know whether your dog’s ears are red or swollen on the inside. If the infection is serious, you might be able to smell it. If your dog is displaying odd habits, you can contact your holistic veterinarian. Ear infections aren’t usually life-threatening, but they can cause hearing loss if the infection is left untreated for a long time.

Can Dog Ear Infections Cause Vomiting

Yes, there are some cases where dogs vomit due to ear infections in dogs. The vomiting may be caused by inflammation of the stomach or intestines. In most cases, the vomiting will occur after eating a meal or drinking water. If your dog begins vomiting with an ear infection, it could also be a sign of a secondary infection that requires antibiotics to treat. Take a trip to the veterinarian to have the ear cleaned and treated.

Dog Breeds Prone to Ear Infection

Dogs prone to ear infections tend to be dogs with long ears and floppy ears.

The reason for this is that dogs with long ears are more likely to have an ear infection because the inside of their ear is not properly ventilated. Also, because long ears are so much bigger than short or normal-sized ears, they trap more moisture and bacteria.

The same goes for dogs who have floppy ears—their ear canal is exposed to the air less often than other dogs’ because it’s always flopping over. That makes them more prone to infection. These breeds include:

CBD and Ear Infections

CBD is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. It has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including anxiety and depression. However, it has also been shown to have some medicinal properties that can help with ear infections.

Some studies have shown that CBD may be effective at treating ear infections due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The compound blocks the production of cytokines, which are molecules produced by the immune system that promote inflammation. This is why many people with chronic inflammation use CBD oil since it helps them feel better without causing side effects like drowsiness or dizziness that might come from other medications.

Preventing Ear Infections in Dogs

The following tips will help you prevent ear infections in dogs:

Final Thoughts

Preventing ear infections is critical, but determining the cause can require some trial and error. Ear infections caused by allergies often begin with poor gut health. Gut health can be impacted by highly processed foods, over-vaccination, and chronic stress, which can lead to ear infections. It’s also important that you clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis. Your veterinarian or groomer will be able to advise you about how to clean your dog’s ears properly. Cleaning the dog’s ears can be done once or twice a week in most cases.

You should not remove any hair from your dog’s ears unless your veterinarian instructs you to do so, as this may cause inflammation. 

As with any new protocol, consult your holistic veterinarian to decide the best choice for your dog’s specific needs.

Read more:

Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol – PMC.

The Effects of Cannabinoids on Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies

Medical Cannabis Activity Against Inflammation: Active Compounds and Modes of Action






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