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CBD as the Best Medication for Dogs with Thunderstorm Anxiety

best medication for dogs with thunderstorm anxiety

As any dog owner can attest, thunderstorms can turn even the bravest canine into a bundle of nerves. The loud booms, flashing lights, and changes in barometric pressure can trigger anxiety in our four-legged friends, causing them to tremble, hide, or exhibit destructive behavior. Could cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, be the key to soothing these stormy nerves? Actually, yes, CBD can help dogs with thunderstorm anxiety and offers a natural method for calming your dog.

Getting to Know CBD More Personally

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the component responsible for the ‘high’ in marijuana, CBD is non-psychoactive. It’s been increasingly recognized for its potential therapeutic properties in both human and veterinary medicine.

How Does CBD Work, Exactly?

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) found in all mammals, including dogs. The ECS plays a key role in maintaining balance in the body and regulating various functions such as sleep, appetite, and the response to stress and anxiety.

CBD is thought to enhance the ECS’s function by preventing the breakdown of endocannabinoids, the body’s natural cannabinoids. This action can help maintain balance in the body and promote a state of calm, potentially assisting in reducing anxiety responses.

Related: What’s the Endocannabinoid System in Dogs?

Thunderstorm Anxiety in Dogs

Thunderstorm anxiety is a common issue among dogs, manifesting as an intense fear or discomfort during storms. The combination of loud thunder blasts, flashes of lightning, and even the shift in atmospheric pressure can cause panic in many dogs. Symptoms range from mild, like panting or restlessness, to severe, such as destructive behavior, uncontrollable trembling, or attempts to escape.

Cause of Thunderstorm Anxiety in Dogs

The root causes of this anxiety can vary; some dogs might be genetically predisposed, while others might have had negative experiences associated with storms. It’s essential for pet owners to recognize and address this anxiety to prevent potential injury and help their dogs calm their nerves.

Comforting Measures to Take

Comforting measures, such as providing a safe space like a crate draped with a blanket, playing calming music, or utilizing anxiety wraps, can be effective. For dogs with severe phobias, consulting a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for specialized training techniques or potential medicinal interventions may be necessary. Proactive care and understanding can help ensure that storms, while unavoidable, become less traumatic for our four-legged friends.

CBD for Thunderstorm Anxiety in Dogs

Several studies in humans suggest that CBD can help manage various forms of anxiety. While research on CBD’s effects on dogs is still in its early stages, anecdotal reports from dog owners and some veterinarians suggest that CBD may help manage anxiety in dogs, including fear of thunderstorms.

This could be the best medication for dogs with thunderstorm anxiety–it’s natural, safe, and effective! The worst side effect, if there is one, is often diarrhea (if their dosage is too high), unlike pharmaceutical medications that have an entire list. Take a look next time you reach for any over-the-counter or prescribed drug; the list will amaze you if you haven’t seen it yet.

Promoting a Sense of Relaxation

CBD is typically given orally to dogs and comes in various forms, like oil, capsules, or dog-friendly edibles. It’s believed to help by promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing the intense fear response that dogs may experience during thunderstorms.

Administering the Proper Dosage

It’s essential to administer the correct dosage, typically based on your dog’s weight. Always start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed. Effects can usually be seen within an hour, but it’s often recommended to give CBD to your dog before the storm begins once you know one is on the way.

Safety and Considerations

While CBD is generally well-tolerated in dogs, it can cause some side effects, including drowsiness, dry mouth, and, in some cases, lowered blood pressure. It’s also important to note that CBD may interact with other medications your dog is taking, so it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before starting CBD.

Furthermore, not all CBD products are created equal. Always choose a high-quality, third-party-tested CBD product designed for pets.

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CBD For Dogs with Thunderstorm Phobias

Thunderstorm anxiety can be distressing for both dogs and their owners. While more research is needed, CBD holds promise as a potential tool to help manage this common issue. As with any treatment, it’s essential to discuss it with a veterinarian to ensure it’s a safe and effective choice for your pet. Ultimately, the goal is to help your canine companion feel secure and calm, even when the skies turn stormy.

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