What to Do for Dogs with Separation Anxiety: Part Two

what to do for dogs with separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common behavioral issue that affects many dogs. It can cause significant distress for both the dog and their owner, as the dog may exhibit destructive behaviors, excessive barking or whining, and other signs of anxiety when left alone. If you have a dog with separation anxiety, there are several steps you can take to help them manage their symptoms and feel more comfortable when you’re away.

  1. Rule Out Medical Issues

Before assuming that your dog has separation anxiety, it’s important to rule out any underlying medical issues that could be causing their behavior. Certain medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections or gastrointestinal problems, can cause dogs to exhibit symptoms similar to separation anxiety. Take your dog to the vet for a thorough examination to rule out any potential medical causes.

  1. Gradually Increase Alone Time

One of the most effective ways to help a dog with separation anxiety is to gradually increase the amount of time they spend alone. This process is known as desensitization and involves exposing your dog to short periods of alone time and gradually increasing the duration over time. Start by leaving your dog alone for just a few minutes at a time and gradually work up to longer periods of time. The goal is to help your dog feel more comfortable being alone by gradually exposing them to longer periods of solitude.

  1. Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Dogs with separation anxiety may feel more comfortable if they have a designated space that they associate with safety and comfort. This can be a crate or a designated room that is safe and secure. Make sure that the space is comfortable and has plenty of soft bedding and toys to keep your dog occupied.

  1. Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in helping dogs with separation anxiety. Reward your dog for calm, relaxed behavior when you leave and return home. This can be in the form of treats, verbal praise, or affection. Positive reinforcement helps to reinforce good behavior and can help your dog feel more relaxed when you’re away.

  1. Practice Calming Techniques

There are several calming techniques that can help dogs with separation anxiety feel more relaxed. These include:

  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and provide an outlet for excess energy. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise before you leave.
  • Calming Music: Some dogs may find calming music or white noise soothing. Try playing soothing music or leaving a TV or radio on to provide background noise.
  • Pheromone Sprays: Pheromone sprays, such as Adaptil, can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in dogs. These sprays release pheromones that mimic the natural calming scents that dogs produce.
  • CBD: Full-spectrum CBD oil can help reduce your dog’s anxiety and promote feelings of relaxation. CBD can also help bring other bodily systems back to normal as an added benefit.

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  1. Consider Medication

In some cases, medication may be necessary to help dogs with severe separation anxiety. Talk to your vet about medication options that may be appropriate for your dog. Some commonly prescribed medications for separation anxiety include anti-anxiety medication, antidepressants, and sedatives.

  1. Seek Professional Help

If your dog’s separation anxiety is severe or persists despite your efforts, it may be time to seek professional help. A veterinary behaviorist or certified dog trainer can provide additional support and guidance on how to manage your dog’s behavior.

In summary, separation anxiety can be a challenging issue to manage, but there are several steps you can take to help your dog feel more comfortable when you’re away. Gradually increasing alone time, creating a safe and comfortable environment, using positive reinforcement, practicing calming techniques, considering medication, and seeking professional help can all be effective in helping dogs with separation anxiety. With patience and persistence, you can help your dog feel more relaxed and comfortable when you’re away.

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